
Cole Erickson

Dear Cole,

Thank you, a million times. Your commitment, patience, and spontaneity on Saturday really made the beginning of AMOK something very special. You are a true genius behind, and in front of the lens...

Thanks for this gem, Cole. 

You truly know how to capture the beauty of a woman... 

Like, this one.

And this one...

You were really aware of our good sides.

The perfect moment.

Very...How do you say...Candid?

Oh, especially here.

Sarcasm aside, ladies and gentleman, Cole Erickson is a great photographer. Most likely, you will see a lot of his photos if you continue to keep up with AMOK! If... he can put up with us for that long. We are thankful, thankful, thankful for these truly awesome pictures!
Thank you Cole!

Check out his website at http://coleerickson.tumblr.com/
Or get in contact with this kid at cerickson@westmont.edu 

Fiercely Yours,

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